Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Study Suggests Acupuncture Is an Effective Treatment for Chronic Pain

A longtime resident of Austin, Texas, Dr. Danielo Perez earned his medical degree from SUNY Downstate Medical College in Brooklyn, New York. After completing his degree, he moved to the Austin area to pursue a career in forensic pathology. In addition to his training in Western medicine, Dr. Danielo Perez maintains a strong interest in Eastern medicine, and he is currently taking classes in acupuncture. 

A Chinese medical tradition dating back thousands of years, acupuncture relies upon stimulating points in the body with a needle to correct energetic imbalances, thereby relieving pain and speeding healing. Though acupuncture, like much Chinese medicine, has been viewed with skepticism in the West over the past several hundred years, recent research has indicated that Chinese medicine, and especially acupuncture, can be effective for treating certain conditions.

Now, yet another study indicates that acupuncture can be effective as part of a comprehensive health care plan. In a paper published in The Journal of Pain in May 2018, a team of researchers reported on a meta-study that suggests acupuncture not only serves as an effective treatment for chronic pain, but that its effects last over time. Additionally, the paper’s authors concluded acupuncture's beneficial effects could not be attributed to the placebo effect.

The study’s findings are especially exciting considering the ongoing opioid epidemic in America. Experts suggest that using acupuncture as an alternative to pharmaceutical drugs for chronic pain conditions could help alleviate the crisis.