Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Determining Cause of Death When Trauma is Not Present

A resident of Austin, Texas, Danielo Perez held duties as a forensic pathologist and performed autopsies at the scenes of deaths that were unnatural, unexplained, and unattended. Many of the cases Danielo Perez handled in Austin involved situations where there was no apparent trauma and the cause of death needed to be forensically deduced. 

One of the core questions of the forensic pathologist is whether the death was natural or unnatural. This is particularly difficult in situations where the deceased has a pre-existing condition or illness, such as asthma or pneumonia that could logically be linked to the death. 

Stress-related deaths are particularly difficult to pin down conclusively, as they often relate to existing health conditions such as heart disease. Different types of stress, from family emergencies to overwork, can compound and aggravate these health issues.

A comprehensive investigation in which the cause of death is unclear extends beyond postmortem exam and assessment of medical history and includes information gleaned from friends, relatives, and colleagues. In this way, such cases regularly span disciplines and require coordinated efforts between several experts.

Monday, April 9, 2018

The Attunement Process in Mastering Reiki

Based in Austin, Texas, Dr. Danielo Perez has a background in forensic pathology and has attended death scenes and testified in legal settings. Since his teen years, Austin professional Dr. Danielo Perez has had a passion for Eastern philosophy and martial arts, and he has an abiding interest in energy work, which focuses on the mind-body continuum. 

There are numerous disciplines of energy work, including reiki, chakra healing, acupuncture/acupressure, and bionenergy. A recent MindBodyGreen article presented the perspective of a reiki practitioner, who describes the practice as a traditional Japanese way of enhancing clarity and spiritual balance, while easing mental trauma. 

The “ki” in reiki refers to a nonphysical energy that is believed to flow through all living things, while “rei" is a form of higher intelligence that spans both the living and nonliving. The practice is unique in its learning system, through which a Reiki master performs an attunement process that opens heart, palm, and heart chakras. This creates a connection between teacher and student and ultimately results in a transfer of energy that one cannot lose. 

The training process in reiki is not easy or simple, as it involves three to four distinct levels of learning toward becoming a master. The first level focuses on opening the practitioner’s physical energy channels in a way that allows a connection with “universal life force energy.” The second level explores sacred symbols and associated healing frequencies, which include emotional wellbeing, power, and balance. Another emphasis is on time transcendence, which enables the healing of emotional and physical traumas that occurred at any point in life, including as a young child.